Please take a look at the plans and instructions below for ways to connect tomorrow.
Morning Worship: We have a specially curated list of worship music for you to use on Sunday. Listen before church or throughout the day. You can find our Spotify playlist here:
Discipleship Explored: Tomorrow we are beginning a new series through Philippians called Discipleship Explored. Let’s plan to watch Episode 1: Confident in Christ after Seymour’s online service. You can find the first video here:
You can download the Discipleship Explored study handbook here:
High School Zoom Meeting: Let’s reconnect, check-in, and talk about social distancing, homeschooling, event cancelations, and our new study from the book of Philippians. Join us on Zoom at 7:00 pm.
You can join our meeting here:
Make sure you use our meeting id: 637 864 458 and password: 973672
We look forward to connecting with you all tomorrow!